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Atlantis and Lemuria
But time passed, Earth restored itself and eventually a sort of water primate which appeared to be sufficiently promising to live on our planet was found on a planet in the Vega star system. This wasn't a matter of catching a few of these apes and setting them loose here; this takes due care. An endless preparation is needed with much consultation between experts of various disciplines, as in a complicated laboratory experiment. A plan had to be made for what this creature should ultimately become and where society was ideally headed. It is said the crystal skulls played a part in this. These were spread all over the world and served as a blueprint for the consciousness of the developing new human. This creation process is too complicated to discuss on this website, because higher spiritual aspects and terms such as 'root races' were involved too (the development of primitive to fully conscious human being in steps of ten thousands of years). Let's just say that the first creatures that were introduced to an island group in the Pacific Ocean and were guided there, now approximately 900,000 years ago, did not look like the current human in the slightest. This island group was called Lemuria, or simply Mu. "Long ago, we of the Galactic Federation colonized this planet and brought forth what you mainly call Lemuria. In this magical land we flourished, both on and below the surface. This high culture watched over the sacred essence of Mother Earth and her most diverse ecosystems." - The Sirians, channeled by Sheldan Nidle, 3 July 2012 |
![]() Just as with Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean and Kumari Kandam in the Indian Ocean there was much more land above water back then than there is now, because the South Pole was located above the ocean and not above land, as has been the case since the turning of the Earth's axis. After much polar ice melted and disasters hit both continents, only the highest parts are still located above water. For Atlantis there are the current Azores and Caribbean, for Lemuria there are islands such as Hawaii and Oceania (1) |
The next phase Despite the necessary natural disasters, the new human developed itself successfully, and around 210,000 BC a new chapter could be added to the story: Atlantis. As has been mentioned, Atlantis was in the Atlantic Ocean, approximately 1,500 km from the coasts of Europe and Africa. It was like a paradise there, with a temperature of approximately 25 degrees throughout the year. The ground contained many volcanoes and was therefore very fertile. Atlantis reached the highest development level that has ever existed on Earth. Much higher than us now, both spiritually and technologically. People lived as one with nature and with creatures from higher realms and other planets. Atlantis and Lemuria were even members of the Galactic Federation. The airspace was controlled with all kinds of aeroplanes, which are discussed in the oral traditions and old Sanskrit texts of peoples across the world, such as the Hopi and other Native American tribes, the Irish, the Celts and the Indians. People also built submarines and computers, there was free energy from sunlight and quartz crystals, and there was a type of television system. Only natural material was used and everything that was no longer needed, such as waste, was recycled or dematerialised. Throughout the year there were many celebrations and ceremonies, such as the solstices, to celebrate the love and unity with each other and with Mother Earth. |
![]() During the past few decades, various diving expeditions in the Caribbean have found odd structures under water (2). For example, near the Bahamian island Bimini, megalithic walls and roads of hundreds of metres long were found, among other things. The roads were laid on a carefully constructed foundation, and could therefore definitely not have originated naturally. Contours of pyramids could be seen too (3). Sonar images and photos were taken. However, when they tried to share their discovery with the world, science and the media were barely interested and they were even actively sabotaged by the authorities to undertake follow-up expeditions. According to the medium Edgar Cayce, Bimini (photo below) used to be a mountain top that was part of one of the three large islands of Atlantis, named Poseidia. Back then the water was more than a hundred metres lower than today (4) ![]() |
The beginning of the end Things started going wrong at the beginning of the last 26,000-year cycle (the one that "officially" ended in 2012). As with everything that occurs in the universe, this was no coincidence. This cycle was destined to be dual, because souls can learn from a society which contains both good and evil. In practice this meant that negative aliens such as the reptilians started interfering with Earth (again) and meddled with the highest leaders: the high priests (5). By now, Atlantis had broken apart into multiple islands due to various volcano eruptions and earthquakes, and the leaders of one of these islands turned out to be susceptible to the alien temptations. It didn't take long before the high spiritual development started making room for the desire for earthly and physical pleasures. The high technology that existed and that used to only be applied for the common cause was now used to combat others. The others islands and Mu, the mother country, watched this development with keen eyes (as much as they possibly could keep an eye on it). However, it appeared unavoidable for them to ultimately also become involved in the warlike institution of these "Sons of Belial", as these Atlanteans had started calling themselves. And this indeed happened. "They had no values, apart from thinking too much of themselves." - Edgar Cayce in one of his readings about the Sons of Belial
In the middle of the night, one of the two moons Earth had at the time was dragged within our atmosphere by space ships and blown up high above Lemuria. The pieces fell down on Lemuria while most inhabitants were asleep. The enormous tremors created by all this caused numerous underground gas fields to explode, which worsened the disaster. As a result, nearly the entire continent of Lemuria was ruined in a single night and over 60 million Lemurians died. "About 25,000 years ago, Atlantis' nefarious plans came to fruition, leading to the corrupting experiments that created the environment that led to her demise. Then, around 13,000 years ago, you were caught up in this declining situation and, in order to survive, became greatly dependent on the remaining off-worlders that you now know as the Anunnaki, their Sumerian name. This group of then-dark Beings cast you into a fright-filled world of wars, hatred, religions, and want, and yet you learned to survive in this land of fear and toil. Now you have reached the point where all of this is destined to change." - The Sirians, channeled by Sheldan Nidle, 22 February 2011 |
![]() Lemurians who survived the disaster often sought asylum in Agartha, just as those who had already fled during the increasing conflicts. They were allowed in on the condition that they'd behave peacefully. Even now many of the underground cities in the Agartha network still consist of Lemurian enclaves, such as the city of Telos underneath Mount Shasta in California (photo). Until the end of the previous century, they still regularly came aboveground to hold rituals. Once this area became too populous, they stopped these practices |
The prime days It is tragic that the story of Atlantis and Lemuria had to end on such a dark page, because it had been so beautiful. And it had lasted so long, because both civilisations had lived beside each other for several hundreds of thousands of years. There were no competition or oppression by the government, as now, so there was plenty of time for people to find the very best in themselves and in others. Many Native American peoples in America still refer to Atlantis as "The Old, Red Land" or "The Island of Flame" (6). The reason for this is that the ground in Atlantis was mostly red, perhaps because it was so rich in minerals such as iron and copper. In addition, a legendary metal called orichalcum (7) was often used for the decoration of walls, temples and buildings. According to the Greek philosopher Plato (8), who wrote about Atlantis in his books "Timaeus" and "Critias", this alloy was mined pure in Atlantis and had a sparkling, pink gloss. Science has long doubted the existence of orichalcum, until recently, 39 ingots of orichalcum were pulled up from an old ship wreck for the first time (9). The Atlantic soil was so fertile that harvest could take place twice a year. The island was surrounded by vast coral reefs, which have now died off and are located several kilometres below. This is one of the many signs still visible today that shows this area must have once been much higher, since coral generally doesn't live lower than at a depth of 15-50 metres (due to the reach of sunlight). The same goes for the sandy beaches and thick layers of small snail's shells (pteropods) washed ashore, which can usually be found along the tide lines of islands, but which are found at depth of several kilometres in this area. ![]() The "Lady of Elche" is a statue (once painted colourfully) that was found near the town of Elche in Spain in 1897. It is unique in its kind and has no similarities to anything that has ever been found anywhere around. Ellen Whishaw and other important archeologists from that time who investigated it uttered the suspicion that it must be from a lost civilisation, such as Atlantis. This would correspond well with what Plato wrote in his books on Atlantis several centuries before Christ. These state that Alicante, the province Elche is located in, used to be an Atlantic colony. This colony was called Gadeiros, and the city Cadiz, also in the south of Spain, gets its name from there Crystal energy (10) was used everywhere in Atlantis. Under the influence of sunlight, starlight and ethereal/psychic energy, crystals create unique tremors that resound to each other over large distances. So no power cables were needed either. Crystal is also beautiful to see, so this fit in perfectly with the gorgeous cities and temples the Atlanteans created, with the Temple of Poseidon in the capital of Chalidocean as the highlight. Chalidocean, built up out of circles and also located on the lowlands, was probably one of the most beautiful cities that ever existed on Earth. It was therefore often indicated as the "City of Golden Gates", or the "Emerald City". In regard to personal care, crystals were used for healing wounds and the chakra system, for rejuvenation cures, astral travel and much more. Industrial crystals were used in society to create favourable energy fields for, among others, agriculture, in order to form interdimensional tunnels, the building of tunnels to the hollow Earth by dissolving earth material, and some sort of laser beam. "For the benefit of the power network, crystals had been set up throughout Atlantis in triangular formations, called 'posers'. They were interconnected via a flattened gold-copper bar under a spherical dome which could be turned around to receive specific stellar, sun and gravity energy waves. This system supplied homes, offices, media and theatres with power, as well as factories, medical centres, schools and companies." - Archangel Metatron, channeled by James Tyberonn |
The Portuguese islands now called the Azores used to form the mountain tops of Atlantis. Although they were then several kilometres higher and presumed to have been covered with eternal snow, they might give an impression of what Atlantis looked like at the time. Plato described it this way in, for example, his book "Critias": "The old capital was rich in natural resources and there was an abundance of food. High mountains offered cover from the northern wind and animals such as elephants and horses roamed the pastures and drank from lakes and rivers. Ten kings ruled this heavenly island and the inhabitants lived there in perfect harmony." |
Friends in high places During what is called "The Golden Age", life must have looked quite odd according to our standards. Interaction with higher creatures and extraterrestrials was something completely normal. Various space ships flew through the sky and light beings without a body were a daily sight. Who evolves spiritually, often also learns to communicate with the world around them, both with living beings and with matter that most of us regard as lifeless. This way, the high priesthood of Atlantis could raise the vibration of a material like stone with their minds, so that it almost became unsteady. This made it behave in a more liquid manner, and it became much lighter. The priests then were able by just using their hands or simple tools to take large, perfectly fitting blocks of stone from the rocks and build walls or pyramids with it. Since they could also raise their own vibration, they could levitate themselves up to tens of meters above the ground if necessary. This ability was also used for travel, so now and then you could see people flying through the air in Atlantis (33) . Frequencies were also used for the transfer of knowledge. One person who had certain knowledge programmed water with the correct frequencies, after which another drank it and also acquired this knowledge. A principle on which homeopathy is still based today. Some highly developed extraterrestrials, such as the Sirians, Pleiadians and Arcturians, chose to reincarnate here in human form and lived lives here of thousands of years. The higher the development, the more you can determine your physical form, which led to many tall, beautiful people. Apparently it is common for extraterrestrial souls that, once they have reincarnated on a planet, they can no longer call for the help of their space family if anything were to go wrong. In this way, life on another planet can be experienced to the full. So when Atlantis perished, these groups were in the same boat (sometimes literally) as the other Atlanteans who fled for land. This is the reason that skeletons and mummies of these beautiful, tall people have been found in countless of burial mounds in North America (11). These bodies look different from ours. |
What made these skeletons extra special was that they sometimes also had other physical deviations, such as double rows of teeth which were all still in perfect condition, and hands and feet with six fingers and toes. They were usually found in the so-called mounds that can be found throughout America, especially along the east coast. There are 150 known ones in New England alone. Researcher James E. Vieira, who consulted the current Native American peoples, says that, according to their oral tradition, the giant peoples already existed before they arrived there, and that they descended from the Atlanteans (13). The Smithsonian Institute (an illuminati institute ) took possession of nearly all mummies and bones, and they can no longer be viewed by the public |
The Children of the Law of One The Golden Age was led by a spiritually highly developed group that called themselves "Children of the Law of One". The "Law of One" is one of the most important Universal Laws and means that, although everything appears to be separate, in reality everything forms one whole and is part of the Creator. The matriarchally led "Children of the Law of One" group mostly lived on the Atlantean island Poseida, which was one of the largest three islands to remain after a sequence of natural disasters hit Atlantis approximately 28,000 years ago. The other two islands were called Og and Aryan. Atlantis was located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the underwater mountain chain which runs from North to South and which forms the fault line between two tectonic plates. New land continuously forms along this fault line, due to the growing Earth. This sometimes creates volcanic activity and landslides and because of this, Atlantis fell into periods of great destruction for a total of three times. The last one, around 10,500 before Christ, proved fatal to the entire continent. This last period of months of catastrophes was initiated by abuse of high technologies by the population of Aryan. This was the largest island and it was the high priesthood of this island that had fallen prey to the evil intentions of extraterrestrial visitors. The group "The Sons of Belial" arose from this. The self-declared superiority of this "Aryan race" would continue to play a role in world history up until today, including in Nazi Germany and in various secret societies. Pride will have a fall As soon as the Aryans came under the influence of the extraterrestrials, they started to interfere with other civilisations more and more. According to Plato, they built up an army of more than a million people and an enormous fleet, which ruled parts of North America and the Mediterranean area. They learned how to split atoms using intense solar energy and how to use these atoms to build nuclear bombs. This later destroyed the Asian empire Yü. The ruins of two large cities which used to be in Yü (now Pakistan), Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, are still radioactive (14). They also showed increasingly less respect for Mother Nature, with which they had up until then always lived in harmony. They used their genetic knowledge to set up cloning programmes to develop a low-developed slave race that could do all the dirty work on their island. In addition, humans and animals were merged together, leading to creatures including centaurs (human + horse), mermaids (human + dolphin) and the Yeti (human + bear). As with many myths and legends, these stories are based on actual facts. The two latter creatures (mermaids and Yeti) still live on today in small groups, far away from modern civilisation. Animals around today such as the cheetah and the panda are also the consequence of genetic experiments from a long, long time ago, just as various crops, like the banana. ![]() All cheetahs in the world have nearly the same DNA (15). This is usually impossible in mammals. Scientists, however, have found an 'explanation' for this and believe that "at one point there was probably only a very small population, which then expanded to the current situation". This theory is highly unlikely for animals like the cheetah which live solitarily, and has never been seen in the entire animal kingdom. The truth is that this animal was created and cloned by the Atlanteans through genetic manipulation and served as a pet and hunter Once this satellite fell in the Aryans hands, however, they used it to create deadly lasers with which they attacked the European and Asian peoples (16), (17) that resisted Atlantean domination. Although the highly developed priests/scientist of the "Children of the Law of One", also known as the Atla-Ra, did everything they could to point out the dangers of abusing the crystal energy to the Aryans, their warnings were ignored. The result was that the satellite was overloaded and not much later it crashed the entire system, leading to an unprecedented series of disasters and explosions (18), (19) and (20). "Several months after the large crystal satellite was deployed for the thermal 'death ray' technology, it became overloaded, weakened the anti-gravity field and crashed down with the power of a huge comet (21). The horrific explosion destroyed most of Og and severely weakened the tectonic stability of the Atlantlean plate, with large parts of the underlying layers going up in smoke. The large crystal satellite shattered into billions of crystalline pieces, which still fill the deep grooves of the Atlantic Ocean. Gigantic clouds of dust and smoke obscured the sun. Waves of earthquakes and tsunamis destroyed the island and swept over more than two-thirds of Aryan. Within mere minutes the remaining power plants also exploded with the force of nuclear bombs." - Archangel Metatron, channeled by James Tyberonn The enormous movements of the Earth's crust that accompanied the sinking of Atlantis are partly illustrated by the fact that the old Bolivian city of Tiahuanaco must have once been in connection to the ocean, as research has shown. While this city is currently at a height of 3950 metres! (22) The exodus Because Atlantis didn't go down immediately, as Lemuria did, but sank in a chain of disasters which took months, a large portion of the approximately 25 million inhabitants was able to flee. One group requested (and received) asylum in the Agartha network, just as the Lemurians, and started to live underground. Others spread out across the coasts of the entire world, up to the east of Asia. This explains the large numbers of typical Atlantean stone circles (henges), burial mounds (dolmen), geoglyphs, cave drawings and stone walls which have been found everywhere in America, Ireland (23), England, around the Mediterranean Sea, China (24) and Africa. ![]() In caves all over the world the same 32 symbols have been found on the rock walls, often with red ochre (25). Most are around 40,000 - 10,000 years old, research has shown. Among these 32 symbols we find the typically Atlantic symbols the spiral, the lying half moon and the snake The Aryans most likely mainly made their way to the British Isles and northern/western Europe. According to legends of native inhabitants, there were sometimes dozens of years between the arrivals of these attractive people with their blue eyes and blonde or red hair, so perhaps they had first tried living somewhere else or they had wandered along other coasts for years. Even today, lots of graves filled with red ocre can be found along the coasts of North America and Europe. This was a typical Atlantean usage (26). ![]() This artwork was once part of the ancient Mayan city of Tikal in Guatemala. Most likely it depicts the demise of Atlantis. A German archaeologist took it to Germany, where it disappeared under suspicious circumstances (as often happens with discoveries that don't fit well within the prevailing opinion in science) Finally, the "Children of the Law of One" seemed to mostly spread out across the Mediterranean, the north of Africa, Sumeria and the Asian colonies they had founded earlier. |
Due to their ability to lift heavy objects by means of sound, a technique they had learned from extraterrestrials, the wandering Atlanteans liked to use huge rocks for their structures. This can be seen in the ceilings and walls of their burial mounds, but also in countless henges, dolmen, menhirs and hunebeds which have been found across Earth. Contemporary science wrongly ascribes these to other peoples. In the western Caucasus alone, along the edge of the Black Sea, over 3,000 dolmen can be found (27). In the north of Algeria, too, thousands have been counted (28) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Italy ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Jordan ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Spain ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Ireland ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() United States ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Malta ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Algeria ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The Netherlands ![]() |
In North America alone over 200,000 ancient pyramids, geometric forms and so-called 'effigies' (images) have been found. Such as the Serpent Mound in Ohio![]() These structures no longer have the technical perfection of the former home country due to the intense natural disasters which hit the world for years in the aftermath of the fall of the continent. Once the rains, earthquakes and floods finally halted, the loss of material and professionals with the right know-how was so large that their previous standard of life had become unattainable. Also because now people only wandered around in smaller groups, which were often not in the best mental condition. However, if sufficient knowledge was present in the group, they reached a fairly high level now and then. The ability to use sound to lift weighty rocks from the ground (29) and stack them on top of each other actually remained intact in nearly all groups for generations. On the heavy pillars of the ancient city of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey inscriptions have been found that seem to be about a comet-like event in the past that led to a catastrophe (30). The active destruction of knowledge undertaken by the extraterrestrials, who saw their chance after the fall of Atlantis, caused this skill to eventually disappear as well. Even peoples who still have much Atlantean blood in them today, such as the Irish, the Basques, the Mayas and the Tibetans, barely know this technology anymore. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Everywhere they went, the Atlanteans built stone circles. These circles catalyse Earth energy (orgon), especially in places where this energy is strongest: on crossroads of ley lines. They formed a place that protected them against storms and other disruptive energies, so that they could heal, meditate and hold rituals there peacefully. The stories about large groups of gifted musicians, architects, navigators (31), doctors etc that arrived per boat from a sinking island in the West have been contained on the British Isles in, for example, old legends and a few Irish novels. They were known under names such as the Nemedians, the Fir Bolgs and the Tuatha. In the south of England these peoples placed, among others, the famous stone circles of Stonehenge and Avebury on a ley line (see photos above). On the same line, in between Stonehenge and Avebury, is Milk Hill (photo below). This hill contains one of the images of white horses which were made in the English landscape long ago. According to the Macedonian contactee and researcher Pane Andov, gigantic rooms are hidden under these markings, containing Atlantean equipment that still works (32). Could that be the reason why new crop circles have been appearing near these places in the past few years, some of which with seemingly the form of an arrow? ![]() |
Egypt Many groups of the "Children of the Law of One" fled to northern Egypt, where there was an Atlantean colony. In addition to the trading they did with other civilisations, such as the Asian Yü and the Libyan/Egyptian empire (which then had not been ruled by pharaohs for very long), colonies had also been founded across the world during the Golden Era, in which the Atlanteans settled for shorter or longer periods of time. Sometimes this was necessary due to the periods of high volcanic and seismic activity that regularly hit the Atlantean continent. Eager as they were to build pyramids (3), (33), this resulted in, among others, the construction of beautiful pyramid complexes such as those in the Pyramid Valley in Bosnia and Teotihuacán in Mexico. There were also colonies in Arkansas (US), Brazil and Tibet. Crystals were grown here, for example, via a sped-up process in which magma was taken up from the Earth and then cooled down under high pressure. For traveling to and from these far-away places, high technologies such as interdimensional tunnels were used (34). Some time before the disasters began, the Atlanteans in Egypt had also completed the Giza platform, which would later turn out to be their opus magnum. This location was chosen after years of preparation and fit in nicely with the Sphinx, which was already there. The design and building of the pyramids were apparently the work of Ra and Hermes Trismegistus (or Thoth). These were no normal people, but souls so highly developed that they could freely move between dimensions. They could take on a body or exist as pure consciousness. They fulfilled a role as guide or high priest in Lemuria and Atlantis. Their multidimensionality made it possible for them to use knowledge that wasn't accessible to normal humans, which resulted in the phenomenal, multifunctional machines the pyramids were. Even the future outline into four compass points which only became relevant after the tilting of the Earth's axis was already applied in the design. |
![]() When the "People of the Snake", as the Atlanteans called themselves, had completed the pyramid complex of Giza, it looked very different from now. It probably didn't look at all like the impression above, because according to Edgar Cayce it was a very fertile area at the time (35). However, it is certain that the pyramids were covered with white limestone and that the top consisted of an alloy of copper, brass and gold. The Nile also had a different route back then, which meant plenty of water was available. This flowed through the passages below the Great Pyramid. Apart from a place for initiations, the pyramid was also an ingenious object that split the rising water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen with the help of sunlight and sound waves. This meant the entire environment could enjoy free energy. According to Cayce and other sources, the Atlantean "Children of the Law of One" built various archives across their empire in which their history had been documented from A to Z. There was one in Yucatan (Mexico/Belize) (36), one on Bimini (Bahamas) and one in Egypt (37). This latter archive was placed in a small pyramid between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid and was built in such a way that it could only be discovered once humankind was developed enough spiritually to handle this knowledge responsibly. Considering the Atlanteans' fantastic control of energy and vibrations, it is not unlikely that this archive will only be accessible or visible once our collective consciousness has been sufficiently enlarged. Many signs show that this time is near ![]() |
The end of an era After the disasters, the Atlanteans in Egypt managed to keep up their high standard of living for quite some time. But the coming and going of roaming, sometimes hostile, tribes, the negative extraterrestrials ever present in the background who attempted to corrupt their work, and the still rumbling Earth which continuously caused noise and damage made life hard. In addition, their electrical equipment didn't work as well now, because the disasters had caused so much dust to be in the atmosphere that there was less sunlight. This also caused fewer harvests, sometimes leading to hunger and disease. Every time they had to rebuild their civilisation, some of their brilliance disappeared. They mixed with other peoples more and more and eventually their culture fell to a level that barely transcended that of the other tribes, just as had happened to their fellow sufferers in North America and other former colonies. The once so great Atlantis was gone for good. |
After the loss of their own continent, Atlanteans spread out across the world, especially across the coasts of the surrounding continents. They left their marks everywhere in the form of burial mounds and dolmen. The term "burial mound" is actually incorrect, as they weren't always used as graves. They were places where shamans and others could calmly meditate and step out of their bodies with their spirits. In order to do so, the pineal gland in your head must be activated, also called your "third eye", which is best accomplished in complete darkness and quiet. According to Edgar Cayce, the Atlanteans made small hills out of these sacred places in order to imitate the sacred mountain Atlas, which had always towered over their old home country. This mountain still exists and is now called Pico ![]() Pretty much all these constructions have been aligned to divine events, such as the solstice and the equinoxes. The photos above show the so-called Goshen Chamber in Indiana (US). The sun falls into the chamber in such a way that the light reaches the rear wall only during the equinoxes (here the spring equinox on 20 March). The same thing happens to burial mounds at the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, such as Newgrange in Ireland (38). |
The postdiluvial world After the fall of the Atlantean empire, the negative extraterrestrials which eventually took over command of the Earth literally left no stone unturned in order to erase everything that still carried a reminder of the Atlanteans. Of course this wasn't done out in the open, but through secret societies in their control. Among others the Roman empire, colonialism, the regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia and Nazism were a result of this. In particular, the 'discovery' of America and the systematic extermination of tens of millions of descendants of Atlantis in North and South America and the Caribbean that followed were a genocidal program that's hardly paralleled in world history. Some traces were hard to erase, though, such as the rhesus negative blood many Atlantean descendants across the world have, blood type O, their red and blond hair, their DNA (39) and the languages they speak. For example, the language of the native tribes along the Amazon in Brazil, called Tupi Guarani, shows a remarkable amount of similarities to the language of the Basques in Spain and France. The Atlanteans that settled down in northern Africa named the mountains there after their own mountain the Atlas, and even now some words in the language of their descendants, the Berbers, match those in, for example, Basque. The same applies to the language of the Sioux Native American tribe in North America, native peoples in Guatemala and the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands, named Gaunches, which were completely eliminated by the Spaniards. Many burial rituals of peoples across the world are also similar. Mummification of bodies in the foetus position (such as on the Canary Islands, in Peru and in Egypt) and the use of ochre red colours often play a prominent role here, as they used to do in Atlantis. Memories in nature
There is also a butterfly species named the catopsilia which leaves for a journey across the ocean from French Guyana every year. Their subconscious probably still contains the memory of an island far out in the sea with an unprecedented abundance of flowers filled with nectar. But once they arrive at this place and there's nothing to be found, they become disoriented. After fluttering about for a while longer, exhaustion kicks in and they die on the waves, one by one. |
![]() Painters and songwriters like to depict Atlantis as a sunken city which you could easily inhabit if it weren't under water. Unfortunately the destruction was more severe than that. Or as Chief Asa Delugio of the Apache tribe described the fall of the country of his old forefathers: "The fire god crawled through the caves with a bellow and shook the land back and forth as the wolf does the rabbit." Only the extremely strong and earthquake-resistant pyramids sometimes survived the destructions (3), (33) |
Read tip According to channelled sources, many souls that experienced the fall of Atlantis at the time have reincarnated now. In this way they solve all sorts of karma and have the opportunity to bring about the transition to a new era properly this time. One of these former Atlanteans is the author Shirley Andrews. Although we consulted various books on Atlantis during the research for this article, her book "Atlantis: Insights from a Lost Civilisation" stood out. Especially because she didn't exclude any source in advance while she was collecting material. Such as the channelled information of Edgar Cayce, who described the daily life of the various Atlanteans in detail. We would therefore like to end this page with an extract from her book: "Although they lived long ago, Atlanteans were in essence the same as us: they were equally intelligent, laughed and smiled, loved, became frustrated, became angry, or chased a goal with determination. They could count and calculate, make estimates, make plans, and they thought about past, present and future. [...] For thousands of year the strong, spiritual people that inhabited Atlantis after the destructions of 28,000 years ago worked on the preservation of a balanced and harmonious civilisation. They were aware of the relationship between them and a spiritual creature of a higher order, and religion and maintaining the beautiful nature in which they lived were central in their actions. Once they had reached the point that they only needed a few hours a day in order to fulfil their daily needs, they devoted themselves to enjoying each other's companionship with love or to contemplation about their role on Earth and position in the cosmos ..." |
![]() Sunset on the Azores |
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