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How would you have reacted, you think? Would you have declared the messenger crazy, like everybody else? Or would you have listened to him, to hear how he came up with that bizarre idea? This website is for that last category of people! ![]()
Below are 10 theses. Please have a read through.
No, not kidding, we're serious. The powerful media
In other words: if all of the media were working together, they might make you believe in something that doesn't exist at all, and hide things from you that do exist. It doesn't sound plausible, but it's possible. True or false? Did you know that the biggest media companies, and press agencies like Reuters and Associated Press, are owned by a very small group of people, that all know each other very well? And that this same very small group of people for example also owns the American Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) and the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world? We're not making this up, investigate it. These institutions are all in the hands of families like the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Morgans and more with those kinds of familiar names. Next question: who do you think founded the big international organisations like the United Nations, the NATO, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Health Organisation? Believe it or not, they are those exact same names! And to make it even crazier: who do you think makes up the top of secret societies like the Freemasons, direct religious institutions like the Vatican and have single-handedly educated almost all current world leaders? Yep, you already guessed it, (ultimately) it is the same very small group of people. Who could it be...? The illuminati! This small group forms a brotherhood that call themselves the 'illuminati'. The core consists of 13 enormously rich families. When it comes to wealth they make Bill Gates look like a poor devil, but yet they hardly ever appear in the news (surely the fact that they decide what the media report about wouldn't have anything to do with that?). They have formed a worldwide network that includes almost every organisation that holds a certain power. From government leaders to secret services, and from universities to restaurant chains like McDonald's. You wouldn't believe your eyes if you lined up all the illuminati-institutions. If you are starting to feel a bit uncomfortable, don't panic, because you have nothing to worry about. Why, we'll explain later. Well, this cabal also controls all the big media (except the internet) and makes sure that your world view is limited to the things they want you to know. But that view is not the truth. The truth is much bigger, as you could already tell by our theses. In fact the truth is so much bigger, that for most people their lives would change completely if it all got out at once. Fortunately, nowadays, there are other ways to obtain useful information apart from the regular media, especially since the coming of the internet. In countries like India and Tibet and amongst many indigenous people all over the world you can find information that is almost unknown in the West. Like the ancient Sumerian texts for example. Through the years many people have published valuable information that the regular media have hardly paid any attention to. Like, for example, whistleblowers from secret services and the 'black ops' circuit (secret projects from the government), advanced scientists, people with near-death-experiences, people who can communicate with extraterrestrials or ghosts of the deceased, mediums and regression therapists.
This website is that ready-to-use puzzle! For starters, let's sum up the whole story on one A4, for those who want to know everything in five minutes :)
If you have read through everything, checked our sources and you still don't agree with us - feel free to write to us! Maybe we can learn something from you. Okay, here we go...
Life is infinite, throughout the universe it is teeming with life. Not only in this universe, but also in the trillions of other universes, that together make up the cosmos. Whatever you can think of exists. From planets that still have dinosaurs living on them, to human civilizations that are so highly evolved that they don't even need a body or planet anymore, and just move through infinity as a group consciousness.
An important universal rule is the Law of Non-Interference. This rule means that a higher civilization does not interfere with the evolution of a lower one, unless this is necessary or an order by God. That's why alien visitors don't land on Earth en masse to introduce themselves to us. Their ships however are spotted regularly by amateur filmers and pilots among others, because we receive ongoing visits.
Whenever a soul reincarnates, it goes through a "veil of forgetfulness". It doesn't remember anything previous until it returns to heaven again. Everyone has a guardian angel and accompanying spirit guides, that protect them and help them as much as possible with their evolution. This does not usually happen as plain as day, but through subtle inspiration, feelings, and opportunities that are created.
The fact that we humans do not know these sorts of things, is because there is a brain involved. A brain begins at zero at the start of a new life, and therefore has to learn everything by itself. So actually we would be 'better' off without a brain. But then we would be all-knowing, and that's not the intention of a Creator who wants to keep experiencing itself time and again.
Everything in the universe originated from an idea (what we call the Big Bang) and evolves in such a way that eventually, after billions of years, it will all become one again with the Source. After a period of rest, a new cycle will start.
Our Earth is a living being with a soul, just like us. What makes the coming Ascension extra special, is that Mother Earth has chosen a unique variant. Usually a transition to another cycle/dimension is coupled with a cleansing of the planet, in the form of devastating natural disasters, so that little remains of the old world and a fresh start can be made. But the Earth has chosen to go from the third to the fifth dimension with her inhabitants on it.
All these 'pure' souls heeded a universal call from God. They offered themselves as volunteers, out of love for Mother Earth and for their own spiritual evolution. Many of these souls had regrets once they experienced physically (having a physical body was new to many of these souls!) what kind of a harsh and slow world they had incarnated into. Some have dropped out, but most have persevered, so the Ascension process is now in full swing.
However, the Divine Plan for Ascension was not the only reason for the intervention from aliens with our civilization in the past decades. It was also necessary to save our planet from an early death. If it was up to our rulers, we would not have even made it to the year 2012. The Earth has always been monitored from a distance by the Galactic Federation to let our civilization evolve in all peace and quiet (well...). But halfway through the last century their attention on us strongly increased. That was when they, just like Mother Earth herself, were shocked by the speed at which mankind was busy destroying the planet. Especially the dropping of the two nuclear bombs on Japan by the Americans, sent a shockwave through the entire Milky Way. But also the plundering, polluting and wrecking of the planet through warfare, oil recovery, deforestation and industrialisation, made the Earth realise that without help she wouldn't survive. God heard her call for help, and by decree gave permission to higher civilizations to help us in a way that would least disturb our natural evolution. The civilizations that are now the most active participants in the execution of this decree, are mostly those that are closest to us, both in distance and in descent (and therefore appearance). They come from planets and moons around stars like Arcturus, Sirius and the Pleiades. About 40% of the Galactic Federation is human, the rest consists of other races and light beings.
The Earth is just like most other planets and moons, hollow on the inside. The Earth's crust is about 700 miles thick, and the gravity is in this crust. There are some tunnels that lead from the outside of the Earth to the inside. On both poles there's also a hundreds of miles big, round opening in the crust, that is visible on satellite photographs (that are never released to the public). Most planets, like for example Venus and Saturn, are being inhabited on the inside. Our planet too. In the interior of the Earth lives a highly evolved civilization, called Agartha. This ancient nation is in contact with alien civilizations and lives completely in harmony with nature. Many animal species that have been extinct for a long time on the surface are still living there, like mammoths and sabre-tooth tigers. The Agartha-network is a melting pot of civilizations and different kinds of beings, including more than a hundred satellite cities that are located in the Earth's crust. Among them are cities that were founded by ancient civilizations that were first living on the surface, like Atlantis and Lemuria. There are species of humans living there that are much taller than our kind, up to 12 feet tall. The Agarthans also live much longer than we do, and can live to be more than 10,000 years old.
Earth's population (on the outside) is being looked upon with a mixture of astonishment and incomprehension by alien civilizations and our 'inside neighbours'. On the one hand we are capable of beautiful things, like artists, musicians and craftsmen of all sorts are showing. But on the other hand we can be extremely cruel and careless, even against our own kind! We are the only civilization where money has got so much power, and where free energy still hasn't penetrated into civil society. The latter is not our fault, because many inventors like Nikola Tesla, who wanted to introduce perfectly functioning zero point-devices, were silenced by the rulers on Earth. In the universe many species of humans exist in countless colours. Our kind, homo sapiens, is the result of genetic experiments by negative alien visitors with indigenous people over 200,000 years ago. Because we have been the direct object of so much genetic tampering by alien visitors throughout history, we now have the DNA of more than 20 alien species in us. Not only from humanoid aliens, but also from so called "Grey aliens", reptilians, felines and other sorts. Because of this, our DNA is now regarded as 'royal'.
Actually you could say that: matter = energy = light = love = consciousness = souls = God = everything. Hence the Law of One! :) You can look at the collective consciousness as a field that surrounds the planet, and in which everything is known. It is the sum of all human energy on the planet, like thoughts, intentions, knowledge and emotions. It creates the world that fits with it. It can be influenced by consciously creating thoughts and feelings. All these matters are a piece of cake for higher civilizations. That this is not the case on Earth, is for the most part to blame on the elite.
For hundreds of years the illuminati have been working on a secret agenda that will bring them in small steps to a so called "New World Order". They don't have any respect for human life and are corrupt to the bone. The bloodlines of these families go back to Babylonian times and they keep these lines as pure as possible by continuously marrying among themselves. They also form the top of the most powerful organisation in the world, the Freemasonry.
Their actions are mostly kept from our eyes because they generally hide themselves deep in underground cities (that are not part of the Agartha-network!). Although reptilians can get to be thousands of years old, the purest reptilians have disappeared from the Earth by now. That's because of the increasing vibration of our planet in the run up to Ascension which beings with a low vibration like them can't handle. However, there are still hybrids and other negative aliens left, like the Greys.
The influence from the negative aliens may have decreased, but the power system that they have put in place on Earth, is still standing. It is maintained by millions of employees, from secret services to multinationals, who are willing to do everything to prevent the truth from coming out.
And that moment is almost here, because soon the Golden Era will begin. It will be a time of love and harmony, and full consciousness. Contact with other galactic civilizations and spirits, from deceased loved ones for example, will be very common, as will visits to Agartha or planets far outside our solar system. Until that time the illuminati will do everything to prevent these changes, but this will be in vain, because universal cycles can not be stopped by anybody. They are the will of God...and will be done. Well...that's about it. Are you still there? :) Looks like it. Good! As you can see, we have placed a number of links in this A4. You can click on them to go to a Smaller Picture about a certain subject. Once you know enough, you can always return to this A4, that is: ![]() ![]() ![]() Donations to support our work are received in gratitude ![]() If you send us an e-mail, we will give you the specifics. ![]() |